QML SwipeView is covering entire window
QML and Qt Quick
I am having some problems if i use swipe view and i have written following code:
import QtQuick 2.6 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 Window { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Swipe View") MainForm { anchors.fill:parent Rectangle{ id:rightRect anchors.right:parent.right width: parent.width*0.50 height:parent.height color:"yellow" } Rectangle{ id:leftRect width:parent.width*0.50 height:parent.height color:"lightgreen" border.color:"red" anchors.right:rightRect.left SwipeView{ id:swipeView anchors.fill : leftRect //Layout.fillWidth: true currentIndex: 0 interactive: false Page{ id:page1 Rectangle{ width:parent.width height:parent.height color:"lightgreen" Button{ text:"move to 2" onClicked: swipeView.currentIndex = 1 } } } Page{ id:page2 Rectangle{ width:parent.width height:parent.height color:"lightblue" Button{ text:"move to 1" onClicked: swipeView.currentIndex = 0 } } } } } } }
Below are the screen shots:
- Initially i have set current index to "0" but index "1" blue area is visible and it's covering the right area(Yellow rectangle):
- if I click on move to 2 button then the yellow rect is visible as expected.
Now, Even if I click on move to 1 button I need same behavior ie., yellow rect should be visible all the time.How to achieve this ??
@pra7 That's how SwipeView works. It loads all the pages inside Swipe still, you can control this with Loader making only currentItem to be visible. You can check out an example of it in https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-controls2-swipeview.html