[SOLVED] Embedding Google Maps API into QWebView using .html, dataset used in .html is changed during runtime, can't update .html embedded into QWebView.
Hello all,
I'm using Qt5 for compilation. Firstly, my project is about getting a continuous data flow of X and Y coordinates every 1 second from Pvt struct, and displaying them on WebView with google maps using google maps API by updating the map with up to last 15 markers (coordinates) every 1 seconds. However, my google maps doesn't update. The code is as follows,
My gmaps.h file,
#ifndef GMAPS_H
#define GMAPS_H#include <QtGui>
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtWebKitWidgets/QWebView>
#include <QtWebKitWidgets/QWebFrame>class Maps : public QWidget
Maps(QWidget *parent = 0);
void setCenter(double xCoor, double yCoor);
void addMarker(double xCoor, double yCoor);
void setupUI(QWebView *myView);private:
QWebView *mView;
QVector<double> latitudeArray;
QVector<double> longitudeArray;
};#endif // GMAPS_H
My gmaps.cpp file
#include "gmaps.h"
#include <QGridLayout>Maps::Maps(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
}void Maps::setupUI(QWebView* myView)
{this->mView = myView; mView->settings()->setAttribute( QWebSettings::JavascriptEnabled, true ); mView->settings()->setObjectCacheCapacities(0,0,0); mView->triggerPageAction(QWebPage::ReloadAndBypassCache); mView->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::LocalStorageEnabled, true); mView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(QString("xCoorArray = []")); mView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(QString("yCoorArray = []")); QString fileName = qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/maps.html"; if( !QFile(fileName).exists() ) { qDebug() << "File not found:" << fileName; } QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile( fileName ); mView->load( url );
void Maps::setCenter(double xCoor, double yCoor) {
mView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(QString("x_init_Coor = %1").arg(xCoor)); mView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(QString("y_init_Coor = %1").arg(yCoor));
void Maps::addMarker(double xCoor, double yCoor)
{if ( latitudeArray.size() < 15 && longitudeArray.size() < 15 ) { latitudeArray.append(xCoor); longitudeArray.append(yCoor); mView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(QString("xCoorArray.push(%1)").arg(xCoor)); mView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(QString("yCoorArray.push(%1)").arg(yCoor)); } else { latitudeArray.removeFirst(); latitudeArray.append(xCoor); longitudeArray.removeFirst(); longitudeArray.append(yCoor); mView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(QString("xCoorArray.shift()")); mView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(QString("xCoorArray.push(%1)").arg(xCoor)); mView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(QString("yCoorArray.shift()")); mView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(QString("yCoorArray.push(%1)").arg(yCoor)); }
// QString fileName = qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/maps.html";
// QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile( fileName );
// mView->load( url );}
And, the calls to this object are made from another class constructor X where Maps map is a variable like,
X::X(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::X) {
map.setCenter(49.00, 11.00);
}And this class X is the main GUI, in which a function called newPvt is called every second with fresh data set as,
void X::newPvt(const struct Pvt &pvt) {
map.addMarker(pvt.posLat, pvt.posLon); //ui->webView->page()->settings()->clearMemoryCaches(); //ui->webView->reload();
// ui->webView->repaint();
The maps.html is,var map; var markers; function initialize() { var myOptions = { zoom: 8, center: new google.maps.LatLng(x_init_Coor, y_init_Coor), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID, zoomControl: true, zoomControlOptions: { style: google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.SMALL }, }; map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), myOptions); setMarkers(); //document.getElementById('reloadMarkers').addEventListener('click', reloadMarkers); } function setMarkers(){ for (var i = 0; i < xCoorArray.length; i++) { var latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(xCoorArray[i],yCoorArray[i]); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: latLng, map: map, animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP }); //markers.push(marker); } } function reloadMarkers(){ var i; for( i = 0; i < markers.length; i++ ){ markers[i].setMap(NULL); } markers = []; setMarkers(); } google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
// google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');
All the commented lines above, are the solutions i tried, and which all failed. And, as a note, when i tried reload() and load(url) in addMarker function, they both caused the WebView to go blank.
So all in all, the solutions i tried are,
loading the .html again from the directory in addMarker method.
reload(), repaint(), update() in the newPvt function which is instantiated every 1 second.
mView->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::LocalStorageEnabled, true);
added in setupUI(). -
Trying to create an event in .html for google maps to refresh the markers by itself.
I'm out of options now. Hope somebody can help. Thanks for reading.
It's solved, i added another evaluateJavascript command to seperately call setMarker().