CMake QT5_WRAP_UI issue
Hi all,
I am trying to make a transition from QMake based build system to CMake one.
So far everything worked quite okish but I run onto the problem I am unable to solve.I do have UI file which I need to be processed and appropriate header file generated. This is usually done by UIC.exe and its kind of automatic in QMake.
Now I am having a CMakeLists.txt file as follows (more or less, I have simplified it):
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8.11) project (WorkspacePlugin) set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) set (SOURCES Implementation/AddConfigurationWindow.cpp ) set (HEADERS Interaface/AddConfigurationWindow.h ) set (UIS Forms/AddConfiguration.ui ) QT5_WRAP_UI(FORMS_HEADERS ${UIS}) find_package (Qt5Core) find_package (Qt5Gui) find_package (Qt5Widgets) add_library (${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED ${SOURCES} ${HEADERS} ${FORMS_HEADERS}) target_link_libraries (${PROJECT_NAME} CorePlugin Qt5::Core Qt5::Gui Qt5::Widgets)
Now, while building the project I do get the following error:
[ 92%] Generating ui_AddConfiguration.h cd D:\Projects\CPP\Builds\EGETools-Desktop_Qt_5_8_0_MSVC2015_64bit-Debug\EditorPlugins\WorkspacePlugin o D:/Projects/CPP/Builds/EGETools-Desktop_Qt_5_8_0_MSVC2015_64bit-Debug/EditorPlugins/WorkspacePlugin/ui_AddConfiguration.h D:/Projects/CPP/EGETools/EditorPlugins/WorkspacePlugin/Implementation/AddConfiguration.ui 'o' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I have looked into generated make file and I have found the following rule generated for it:
EditorPlugins\WorkspacePlugin\ui_AddConfiguration.h: D:\Projects\CPP\EGETools\EditorPlugins\WorkspacePlugin\Implementation\AddConfiguration.ui @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --blue --bold --progress-dir=D:\Projects\CPP\Builds\EGETools-Desktop_Qt_5_8_0_MSVC2015_64bit-Debug\CMakeFiles --progress-num=$(CMAKE_PROGRESS_2) "Generating ui_AddConfiguration.h" cd D:\Projects\CPP\Builds\EGETools-Desktop_Qt_5_8_0_MSVC2015_64bit-Debug\EditorPlugins\WorkspacePlugin -o D:/Projects/CPP/Builds/EGETools-Desktop_Qt_5_8_0_MSVC2015_64bit-Debug/EditorPlugins/WorkspacePlugin/ui_AddConfiguration.h D:/Projects/CPP/EGETools/EditorPlugins/WorkspacePlugin/Implementation/AddConfiguration.ui cd D:\Projects\CPP\Builds\EGETools-Desktop_Qt_5_8_0_MSVC2015_64bit-Debug
It can be seen that in that rule '-o' is used rather than plain 'o'. Though I am not sure if that even means anything.
Does anyone happen to know what the problem is here and how to solve it ?
Thanks in advance
PS my environment is: Windows 10 x64, QtCreator 4.2.1, Qt 5.8.0, CMake 3.8.2
Since you have a recent version of CMake, there's also CMAKE_AUTOUIC that should make your life easier but you will have to change the minimum cmake requirement.
See this Wiki entry for more details.
@SGaist Yes indeed there is. And that one seems to be working fine. However, it requires UI file to be next to the ones which do include generated headers (implementation files in my case). I do want to keep them separately from the source files.