Get confirmation that a key has reached JS
I have a strange issue that on every second use of key used to navigate in a webView with JS, it simply does not react on it.
I've added an event viewer to the webView to filter and debug key events received and it shows the key press as well as the release event coming in.
So far, everything seems OK as far as I can reach it 'code-wise'.
How can I be sure the key reaches the JS code to tell where to look for this issue (my code, behavior of webKit, PHP, JS on server ....)?Thanks for any input to track this down.
McL -
Should something like the 2 console.log lines below give me some output on the console?
Excerpt from JS code:case(event.keyCode >= 65 && event.keyCode <= 73): /* a..i */ var index = 0; var rowNum = event.keyCode - 65; var jBottommenuRows = $(this).children('.row'); console.log("JS"); console.log(event.keyCode);
OK, fine. What if there is nothing ... on the very same console all qDebug() perfectly appear?
Ahhh ... OK ... Thanks a lot.
Never saw the 'Inspector' and will try to read it up ... is it also part of webKit in Qt?
I know the inspector on desktop browser but it won't help because it unfortunately does not show the issue there.
I'll try (tomorrow) to connect the signal to a slot and use qDebug() in there. -
Activated the inspector with the following line:
QWebSettings::globalSettings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::DeveloperExtrasEnabled, true);
Basically works. However, as soon as I have the inspector turned on my webView's do behave very strange, like they do not get all inputs anymore, and I can not debug the situation.Looks like I need to implement
and send the messages back to C++ and debug from there.
According docs this is not a signal so I can not simply connect to it. -
Need some help ...
I have the following:
in h:#include <QWebPage> class DBGWebPage : public QWebPage { Q_OBJECT public: explicit DBGWebPage(QObject *parent = 0); protected: void javaScriptConsoleMessage( const QString & message, int lineNumber, const QString & sourceID ); };
in cpp:
void DBGWebPage::javaScriptConsoleMessage( const QString & message, int lineNumber, const QString & sourceID ) { qDebug() << message << lineNumber << sourceID; }
and my webGUI's are derived from qWebView:
QWebView *webGUI = new QWebView(QTGUI_MainWindow::centralWidget());
How do I make it use the reimplementation of javaScriptConsoleMessage()?
Thanks .. seems to be too late for today ... I don't get it to build ... dam... -
There's something I don't get ... probably soemthing with these C++ classes I'm always stumbling over:#include <QWebPage> class DBGWebPage : public QWebPage { Q_OBJECT public: explicit DBGWebPage(QObject *parent = 0); QWebPage *DebugWebPage; protected: void javaScriptConsoleMessage( const QString & message, int lineNumber, const QString & sourceID ); };
DBGWebPage::DBGWebPage(QObject *parent) : QWebPage(parent) { //QWebPage* DebugWebPage = new QWebPage; DebugWebPage = new QWebPage(this); }
QWebView * QTGUI_MainWindow::CreateNewWebGUI(int iID) { // check if already existing if(webGUIMap.value(iID) != 0) { qDebug("GUI %d existing", iID); return false; } // check for max GUI count here if(iID > GUI_COUNT_MAX) { qDebug("GUI %d failed - Max GUI ID is %d", iID, GUI_COUNT_MAX); return false; } // create new webGUI and add it to the list QWebView *webGUI = new QWebView(QTGUI_MainWindow::centralWidget()); webGUIMap.insert(iID, webGUI); // make some basic settings to the new GUI webGUI->setPage(DBGWebPage::DebugWebPage); webGUI->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("webGUI%1").arg(iID)); ......
Fehler:object missing in reference to 'DBGWebPage::DebugWebPage'
This post is deleted!
I somehow understand all you're saying, but I so far am not able to modify my code to not crash.
Currently ended up with (modified to it while Konstantin was writing it too):DBGWebPage *page=new DBGWebPage(); webGUI->setPage(page);
and an empty constructor.
Still crashing .... I'm stumped.