SQLite WHERE clause with BLOB. Or how to make QT query BLOB as x'00000000'?
row is INTEGER SQL type
id is BLOB SQL typeI want to make this
SELECT row FROM 'table' WHERE id = x'00000007'
this works fine with SQLite browser app and my db.
But following qt does not work and returns no items"QString queryContent = "SELECT row FROM \'" + tableName + "\' WHERE id = :id"; QSqlQuery query; query.prepare(queryContent); query.bindValue(":id", t_id);
How to fix Qt implementation?
@Kofr http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qbytearray.html#toHex
QString queryContent = "SELECT row FROM \'" + tableName + "\' WHERE id = x':id'"; QSqlQuery query; query.prepare(queryContent); query.bindValue(":id", t_id.toHex());
It converts to HEX correctly but query fails
QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record
does not work neitherQString queryContent = "SELECT row FROM \'" + QString::number(parentInt) + "\' WHERE id = x\':id\'"; QSqlQuery query; query.prepare(queryContent); QByteArray idBA = t_id.toHex(); qDebug() << idBA; query.bindValue(":id", idBA);
QString queryContent = "SELECT row FROM \'" + QString::number(parentInt) + "\' WHERE id = x':id'"; ...
@Kofr said in SQLite WHERE clause with BLOB. Or how to make QT query BLOB as x'00000000'?:
What does http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsqlquery.html#lastQuery return after you try to execute it?
Is there a row with the ID you're trying to retrieve?
Also I'm wondering what you are doing here:"SELECT row FROM \'" + QString::number(parentInt) + "\' WHERE id = x\':id\'";
Is the name of the table a number?!
The table name should be bound as well. -
@jsulm your first answer is not right as Qt does not care what to bind Hex or byte array I think.
solution which works for me is
QString queryContent = "SELECT row FROM \'" + QString::number(parentInt) + "\' WHERE id = x\'" + QString::fromLatin1(idBA) + "\'";
Instead of binding, making a string.
If the above snippet works, then you don't respect the SQL's type. You're trying to pass a string representation to Qt when it clearly expects a binary (BLOB is "Binary Large OBject"). So then the question:How to fix Qt implementation?
comes back as: "How to fix your implementation".
Anyway, I'd suggest passing the appropriate type to the driver. My thoughts are that something like this should be working:const char rawData[4] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07 }; QByteArray id = QByteArray::fromRawData(rawData, 4); QSqlQuery query; if (!query.prepare(QStringLiteral("SELECT row FROM %1 WHERE id = :id").arg(tableName))) // Handle the error! query.bindValue(":id", id); // Pass binary data for columns that expect binary if (!query.exec()) // Handle error again!