Qt Developer Days T-shirt Challenge
[quote author="Ymilij" date="1283362426"]
Can I ask about Qt events in Russia? Are there some?[/quote]I asked around a bit but none of us knows about anything in Russia. That said: there are quite some Russian Qt developers out there and I know that there are also software conferences in Russia (duh!).
What about flocking together - as soon as we have the groups implemented it will be dead easy - and come up with something like a Russian Qt user group? You could submit presentations about Qt or organize your own events.
I will definitely send you t-shirts for that. :-P
[quote author="john_god" date="1283463360"]
What about if you made all three designs instead of just one ? Then people could choose...[/quote]I am afraid that will be overkill logistically during the event. Just think about it. We would have to ask all attendees - last year in Munich it was around 700 - both about their size and which t-shirt they want. It will take us a day. :D
Alexandra wrote:
bq. What about flocking together – as soon as we have the groups implemented it will be dead easy – and come up with something like a Russian Qt user group? You could submit presentations about Qt or organize your own events.
That sounds neat. Waiting for the Bangalore or India group :)
How about putting the designs up at "cafepress":http://www.cafepress.co.uk/?
Number 2 is my favorite . and i am sure every hard coder would pick that one too . it's gonna be the winner i think, despite all of them are really great . I can imagine that it was not an easy task to choose the finalits. congratulation to all participants. it would be nice to buy one as I can't participate to the event for now (for finance). I hope I will be able to make it one day.
Any plans for Qt Developer Days to be organised in India