How do I share object between pages of a SwipeView?
I am having trouble understanding scope/name resolution in QML. I had the following code in a page of a SwipeView:
import CTX 1.0 import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import Qt.labs.settings 1.0 CalibrationPageForm { id: page CTPanel { id: ct_panel Component.onCompleted: { ct_panel.setUp() // Complete set up of the C++ object console.log("CT Panel component completed.") } receptorPath: receptorPath_textField.text } receptorPath_textField.text: settings.receptorPath < more code accessing the ct_panel object> }
CTPanel is defined in C++ in the CTX module. This worked, but now I need to access the CTPanel object from another page of the SwipeView. So I moved the CTPanel object up to the ApplicationWindow:
import CTX 1.0 import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0 ApplicationWindow { visible: true width: 800 height: 600 title: qsTr("Application") id: app_window //property alias ct_panel: ct_panel SwipeView { id: swipeView anchors.fill: parent currentIndex: tabBar.currentIndex CalibrationPage { } AcquisitionPage { } PatientPage { } UtilsPage { } } CTPanel { id: ct_panel Component.onCompleted: { ct_panel.setUp() // Complete set up of the C++ object console.log("CT Panel component completed.") } } < page indicator for SwipeView etc. > }
Then tried to access it from the calibration page like this:
CalibrationPageForm { id: page parent.ct_panel.receptorPath: receptorPath_textField.text receptorPath_textField.text: settings.receptorPath <remainder unchanged> }
The id 'ct_panel' is not recognized in the CalibrationPageForm, no matter what I try. I've tried many variations of parent levels, id's and defining the property seen above in the ApplicationWindow, putting the CTPanel in the SwipeView etc.
How do I define the CTPAnel object so I can access it from both the CalibrationPage and the AcquisitionPage? And how do I refer to it in those pages?
Possibly my problem here is that I don't quite get the relationship of the Page and PageForm objects (Created by QtDesigner).
Have you tried to put BOTH the property alias AND the CTPanel{} inside the SwipeView{}? -
I had not tried that, so I just did. I still get 'Cannot assign to non-existent property "ct_panel"' whether it use just 'ct_panel', 'parent.ct_panel' or 'swipeView.ct_panel' in CalibrationPageForm.
Hello @Steve-Fallows,
You can access the data of another Item by its
, nevertheless you cannot accessproperty
from another item the way you did. I think you need to use JavaScript via signal handler.for example (assuming
is also anid
):onClicked: { ct_panel.receptorPath = receptorPath_textField.text; }
What is the behaviour you are looking for? On which event do you want to change properties from
? -
@Julien-B I'm just trying to get the same behavior with the ct_panel object up one level from where it was. I want to bind the receptorPath property to the text field on the CalibrationPage. I'd prefer not to deal explicitly with the events that change it.
It seems to me the moving the location of ct_panel up should merely necessitate a change in how I refer to it. But it seems that something about the SwipeView or the CalibrationPageForm.ui changes the scope/naming resolution. I'd like to understand what/why that is.
Just to clarify is
also an id?in that case your code
CTPanel { id: ct_panel Component.onCompleted: { ct_panel.setUp() // Complete set up of the C++ object console.log("CT Panel component completed.") } receptorPath: receptorPath_textField.text }
should work wherever it is placed (in the same qml file).
is a grouped property fromCalibrationPageForm
and the id of the page ispage
Have tou tried?
CalibrationPageForm { id: page receptorPath_textField.text: settings.receptorPath } CTPanel { id: ct_panel Component.onCompleted: { ct_panel.setUp() // Complete set up of the C++ object console.log("CT Panel component completed.") } receptorPath: page.receptorPath_textField.text }