Why does QHostAddress::protocol() always return QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol
General and Desktop
When I establish IPv4 connection between a QTcpSocket and a QTcpServer, I find out that the socket.peerAddress().toString() returns a IPv6 version of IPv4 address, which is like ::ffff: And then I check the socket.peerAddress().protocol() and it returns QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol. Why does it return an IPv6 when I am using IPv4?
I found that it is the same in all platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.
AFAICS, your system is using a IPV4 mapped IPV6. So technically there's nothing wrong going on from a Qt point of view. The IPV4/IPV6 handling is done outside of Qt's scope and you get accurate information.
AFAIK, it should be yes.
It's a bug in Qt. Appears everytime. Even if disable IPv6 stack.
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