Import multiple libraries in Qt Creator 4.0.2
Does anyone knows if it is an already known bug or is just a decision to make importing multiple libs a pain in Qt Creator 4?
The problem is: I want to include all libraries in a given directory, because, like the example below, the framework opencv has many libraries and I don't like of looking for each one that I'm gonna use and then put its entire path.
In 3.4, this was working (on Windows):
LIBS += -L "C:/opencv/compilado_novo/bin/*.dll"
I could just write all my stuff, without having to worry about what library I need for each function.
But now, in Qt Creator 4, only this works:
LIBS += C:/opencv/compilado_novo/bin/libopencv_core310.dll
LIBS += C:/opencv/compilado_novo/bin/libopencv_highgui310.dll
LIBS += C:/opencv/compilado_novo/bin/libopencv_imgproc310.dll
LIBS += C:/opencv/compilado_novo/bin/libopencv_imgcodecs310.dll
You normally do not link to the .dll but to the .lib file
to simplify you can use
LIBS += -LC:/opencv/compilado_novo/bin \ -llibopencv_core310 \ -llibopencv_highgui310 \ -llibopencv_imgproc310 \ -llibopencv_imgcodecs310 \
you should really control manually what you link against but if you insist in using wildcards see