Problem with launching .exe or compiling and running app
I am getting two errors, curious if anyone knows a fix for either of these...
I'm getting, in QT Creator:
Starting D:\Criso\Documents\build-abvProject-Desktop_Qt_5_7_0_MinGW_32bit-Debug\debug\abvProject.exe... The program has unexpectedly finished. D:\Criso\Documents\build-abvProject-Desktop_Qt_5_7_0_MinGW_32bit-Debug\debug\abvProject.exe crashed.
When trying to launch the program normally, it pops up with four error messages:
The program can't start because $ListOfMissingDLLs is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
$ListOfMissingDLLs = [Qt5Guid.dll, Qt5Cored.dll, Qt5Widgetsd.dll, libstc++-6.dll]
What can I do to fix this? This issue started when getting a forced Anniversary Update from Microsoft for Windows10.
Hi, do you get the same errors when you compile in Release mode?
Yes, indeed.
I am having another issue in relation to QT as well, if you look for my other post in the same section of this forum.
I see. If you try to compile an empty vanilla Widgets app, do you get the same error when you start it from Qt Creator (i.e. "The program has unexpectedly finished.")?
Also, those other errors "The program can't start because." this is correct if you have not run windeployqt on your program.
@hskoglund On vanilla, it does the same thing.
Oh dear :-( If vanilla widgets fail to compile, then you're up-the-creek...
Hmm, next step could be to try and create another user on your PC, logout and login to that user and download and install a fresh copy of Qt for that user.
And try that vanilla stunt again... -
Alright, through some debugging with a moderator, I figured out that part of my issue was the path in my environment variable (Windows) was not being linked to my QT .dll library (D:\Qt\Qt5.7.0\5.7\mingw53_32\bin, for me). I've fixed that.
Weirdest part now is that the .exe will run, but only as a background task... So, I'm not sure what's going on now.
Fixed my issue, see solution: