QVideoFrame bits() access too slow
Hello, I'am using QMediaPlayer + derived video surface with present function override. Frame mapping takes 0ms to process, but if I want access bits(), copy them into GPU memory, or just copy to another byte-bufer (created and allocated in code) it takes about 20ms on my hardware (laptop, core i5-4210M, GeForce 940M/Intel HD Graphics 4600). So 20ms is not a big time, it's ok, also tried on another PCs and laptops it's just fine. But if I'am trying to run this app on specific PC (Radeon HD7970, Core i7-4770) it takes about 2000ms, two seconds to copy bufer! If I'am trying to copy another byte-bufer (not from QVideoFrame) it's ok and takes about 2-4ms. So the problem only with mapped QVideoFrame (even if I wrapping it with QImage).
there is an example (I've already tried to copy from videoFrame.bits(), and unmap after coping data, have no effect)
bool QMyVideoSurface::present(const QVideoFrame &frame){ ... QVideoFrame videoFrame(frame); if(videoFrame.map(QAbstractVideoBuffer::ReadWrite)) { if(frame.pixelFormat() != QVideoFrame::Format_ARGB32){ return true; } image = QImage(videoFrame.bits(), videoFrame.width(), videoFrame.height(), videoFrame.bytesPerLine(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); videoFrame.unmap(); // bufer allocation skipped here. QElapsedTimer t; t.start(); buf = (uchar*)image.bits(); for(int i=0;i<image.byteCount();i++){ imgBuf[i] = buf[i]; } qDebug() << "Taken" << t.elapsed(); //shows 20ms on my laptop, and 2000ms on powerful PC } ... }
Any suggestions are welcome. Please, help me, deadline is near.
If I trying to create static bufer in .map(){} scope, e.g:if(videoFrame.map(QAbstractVideoBuffer::ReadWrite)) { ... uchar abuf[4096*4096*4]; memcpy(aib, videoFrame.bits(), videoFrame.mappedBytes()); ... }
then this taking about 1-2ms. But if I moving abuf declaration out of this scope (for example placing it in class definition, or in the top of file: then memcpy will take about 2000ms (actually depends on video resolution)
Do you really need to map your video frame as ReadWrite ?
Where do you need these data to go to ?
Then it sounds like a regression… Can you check against the latest 5.7 to see if it still happens ?