Build Telegram Desktop Source
I use this document for build the Telegram Desktop source: in "Install Windows SDKs" part I can't understand where do I have to run this command:
configure -debug-and-release -force-debug-info -opensource -confirm-license -static -I "D:\TBuild\Libraries\openssl\Release\include" -L "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Lib" -l Gdi32 -no-opengl -openssl-linked OPENSSL_LIBS_DEBUG="D:\TBuild\Libraries\openssl_debug\Debug\lib\ssleay32.lib D:\TBuild\Libraries\openssl_debug\Debug\lib\libeay32.lib" OPENSSL_LIBS_RELEASE="D:\TBuild\Libraries\openssl\Release\lib\ssleay32.lib D:\TBuild\Libraries\openssl\Release\lib\libeay32.lib" -mp -nomake examples -nomake tests -platform win32-msvc2015
There is not "configure.exe" in my environment variables!!
Can you help me ?! -
@AliReza-Beytari said:
mine is here
and there is also
"C:\Qt\Qt5.5.0\5.6\Src\qtbase\configure.bat" -
@mrjj There is not "Src" folder in "C:\Qt\Qt5.7.0\5.7" for me:
it should be around there.
if possible go to
(safe site! nothing bad there)install
Everything ( actual name, i dont mean all :)
from the "others" category.
its fast search tool and just type
configure.* into it.
and it should show.
You can use normal windows search tool too - i just love
everything.ese for its speed. :) -
Probably, you've installed Qt without sources? Mark it in MaintenanceTool.
good point :) -
@veryqtperson Which one do I have to chose ?!
ok, thats really odd.
You do select Add/remove and NOt update ? -
hmm sounds like Mtool is not 100% happy.
anyway u can also grab source from -
Ps. are you sure this works with 5.7 ?
Only Qt 5.6 is mentioned.