SQLite select and update statements
Good afternoon, I am having a problem with selecting and updating queries in sqlite.
Basically I use the select and update commands in my sqlite command shell and it gives me
the correct output but if I use the same statement in my QT creator it gives
me an error about unable to fetch query row.
The select and update function only works if I have one string picked out
rather than a whole bunch. Let me show you.
qry.prepare("update patientTable set lname='"+lname+"'where
patientId='"+patientId+"'"); works and updates but when I try:qry.prepare("update patientTable set patientId='"+patientId+"',
it gives me an error about query fetch row. I then thought it would be an database error but then put the same
command into my sqlite and it updated the corresponding values with both
commands shown above. I am also having the same problem with my select
statement where if I select one value then it works but if I try to select
more than one then it gives me a query fetch error. I tried using :patientId
and qry.bindValue(":patientId",patientId) method and it also didnt
work. I can post my code for you if youd like but let me know what you think
first.Here is my SQLite schema:
create table patientTable(patientId INT NOT NULL, fname varchar(30) NOT NULL,
midde varchar(30), lname varchar(30) NOT NULL, suffix varchar(15), dob
varchar(10) NOT NULL, gender varchar(20) NOT NULL, physician varchar(40) NOT
NULL, description varchar(50), anatomy varchar(20) NOT NULL, accession int
NOT NULL, datetime varchar(20) NOT NULL, primary key(patientId));I also tried out a second one to make sure it wasnt the INT that was causing
the error as shown:create table patientTable(patientId varchar(20) NOT NULL, fname varchar(30)
NOT NULL, midde varchar(30), lname varchar(30) NOT NULL, suffix varchar(15),
dob varchar(10) NOT NULL, gender varchar(20) NOT NULL, physician varchar(40)
NOT NULL, description varchar(50), anatomy varchar(20) NOT NULL, accession
varchar(20) NOT NULL, date varchar(12) NOT NULL, time varchar(12) NOT NULL,
primary key(patientId));I can post the .h file and .cpp if needed.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Yes, sharing your code would be a good idea. It will allow us to better understand what you are trying to do.
By the way, did you took a look a the request generated by QSqlQuery since it's failing ?
@Danielpopo said:
y.prepare("update patientTable set patientId='"+patientId+"',
fname='"+fname+"',middle='"+middle+"',lname='"+lname+xxxxxxxJust a note:
If any of the variables is not a QString, then please wrap
QString::number(var) around it as str+ int + str , do not always do
as you might expect. -
Why not use
with named parameters in your query you can then bind the values to the parameters withQSqlQuery::bindValue
, see prepare and bindValue example.Just another note: if you post code here please put it between ` ` or ``` ``` so it will be more readable :)
@mrjj Thanks for the response,
I solved my problem it was a misspelling in my schema with my sqlite. But what do you mean about wrapping it with QString::number, because I compiled it with a string and it worked but I can see what you mean that I am inputting a string to an integer slot.
What i meant was that sometimes
integers do not convert to strings as expected with +int number=888;
QString a="a";
QString b="b";
QString result=a+number+b;
qDebug() <<"-------" << result;expected a888b
got axbso i was not sure if all was strings in your statement. Since it work, you didnt have such case :)