Qt Developers Wanted (PL, BY, UA)
NOTE: We ONLY accept developers from Poland, Ukraine and Belarus.
Thank you.MILO Solutions is looking for Qt Developers to work with our team remotely. We accept ONLY candidates from Poland, Ukraine and Belarus.
We are hiring Interns up to Senior developer or Project Managers.
If you love Qt, no matter if you're new or experienced, apply as we are creating the best Qt team world wide.If you're a bad candidate we'll know it after few days and that will be it.
If you're a great person to work with, we'll work together a very long time.Requirements:
Very good knowledge of C/C++ and project development experience
Expertise of Qt or Qt Quick
Great coding skills
Good command of English allowing to communicate via email/chat and talk (If you're an experienced dev you should speak English)
Ability to work on minimum two of the listed platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
Please share your email and Skype and let me know: why you want to be part of the best Qt team in the world?If you have some open-source solutions on github or anywhere else, please share you account id.
Here is link to our company website:
https://milosolutions.com/en/ -
It is still on
Hello! Maybe, try posting your job offer here? There are lots of developers from every place in the world - I'm sure you'll find someone with proper skills from Poland, Ukraine or Belarus. -
Hello! Is this relevant yet? If yes, my skype: alex_lavoncyk, email: alaksandr.lavoncyk@gmail.com