MouseArea with forwarded events does not receive release event
Hi, I am trying to customize a selectable TextEdit.
In the End it should allow the user to conveniently look at a version string and select it however she/he prefers. For that I would like to preselect the text for the user and open a context menu on right click. This behavior is similar to most browser addressfields nowadays where you click in the textfield and everything gets selected.
Here is the code which I expected to achieve that:
import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 Window { visible: true TextEdit { id: theText anchors.centerIn: parent readOnly: true selectByMouse: true text: "v1.2.3" } Menu { id: contextMenu title: "Version" MenuItem { text: "Copy" onTriggered: theText.copy() } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: theText property bool moved: false propagateComposedEvents: true acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton onPressed: { console.log("pressed") moved = false if (pressedButtons & Qt.RightButton) contextMenu.popup() mouse.accepted = false } onReleased: { console.log("released") if (!moved && theText.selectedText === "") theText.selectAll() mouse.accepted = false } onPositionChanged: { moved = true mouse.accepted = false } } }
I found that due to the
mouse.accepted = false
of theMouseArea
handler is never called. If I remove that statementonReleased:
and everything else is called but the TextEdit does not receive all event to allow manually selecting the text.Maybe someone has a pointer how to solve this?
Cheers Heiko
I'm a little confused what sort of behavior you're going for with the "moved" variable. It looks like you want it to not select if the mouse moves. I'm not sure this is exactly what you're going for, but here's an example of something similar that may help.
The text field selects all when a left click is received, and if the mouse moves it highlights to where the mouse pointer is. I think you could easily add a Mouse Area over this to implement your context menu, just make sure the Mouse Area passes the left clicks through to the Text Field. This would eliminate the need to have the released event - not really a fix, but a workaround. I have some extra styling in there too which might be useful if you're wanting to modify styles.
Note: This is Qt Quick Controls 2
TextField { id: nameField text: name selectByMouse: true verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter horizontalAlignment: TextInput.AlignLeft background: nameBackgroundLoader.item color: focus ? "#26c9ff" : "#ffffff" selectionColor: "#26c9ff" selectedTextColor: "#ffffff" Component { id: nameFieldNormal Rectangle { color: "#333240" } } Component { id: nameFieldSelected Rectangle { color: "#636378" } } Loader { id: nameBackgroundLoader sourceComponent: nameFieldNormal } onFocusChanged: { if(focus) { selectAll(); nameBackgroundLoader.sourceComponent = nameFieldSelected } else { nameBackgroundLoader.sourceComponent = nameFieldNormal } } onEditingFinished: { channelName = text; text: channelName; focus = false; nameBackgroundLoader.sourceComponent = nameFieldNormal } }
Yes you read it right. The moved variable should distinguish the case when the user clicks and then drags to select the text by hand. In this case the user is in charge of what gets selected and I do not want the selectAll() to kick in. Thanks for your code I will give it a spin and report back.
@JLimbocker Tried your code but unfortunately it does not exactly what I want. It is selecting from the beginning instead of from where I was clicking when dragging.
Problem with passing the mouse event through to the TextField is that when I do that using
mouse.accepted = false
. The other handler likeonRelease:
are not called on the MouseArea anymore which destroys my handling there. The selectAll() could be switched off when something is already selected but I do not know why that TextField's selection is starting from the beginning...Anyone knows how to forward the mouse events to an underlying element but still have the complete handling in the MouseArea available? That would solve my question.