ASSERT failure in QList<T>::at: "index out of range"
Why a global variable ?
If you have an out of range error this means that current goes higher than the size of the list your are accessing.
You are likely never reinitializing current. So it will work the first time however the second time, and unless your array gets bigger than current, it will fail.
@Qjay, how sure are you that the exception happens at this line?
QUrl url = v.toStringList().at(current);
Did the debugger break at this line?
The reasons I ask are,
- the output in your animated gif suggests (its not definitive) to me that the crash happens just after that point;
- its looks very likely to me, that the exception would be on this line:
png_filename = n.toStringList().at(png_curr);
Because the code in
is assuming thatn
) always has the same number (or rather, at least as many) items asv
). But, while I see code that streams entries intopng_down_links
), I see no code anywhere that adds anything topng_hash
.I highly recommend you try out the debugger (if you haven't already), and also add some range-checking / debug logging in the
@Paul i think you are right . I think my code is messed up ( this code is an older version ) . Yeah i just saw png_hash has nothing to do in whole code !!
I have updated the code
@Paul @SGaist , i don't know why but i am never able to initialize QUrl url :( ;
i have tried different approaches too . Like in my code i was using QStringList i even tried Qvector<QString> down_links and end result was same
in console screen QUrl("") ""
What shoudl i do ?
@Qjay Can you show the code where you initialize QUrl? From your description we can only guess what could be the problem. Are you sure you don't pass an empty string to QUrl?
@jsulm , i have given the whole code
by the way this is where i set QUrl
line no 371
QUrl url = v.toStringList().at(current); qDebug() << "why break" << url;
Again, did you check that the value of current is lower than the size of the string list ?
I have initialized current =0; in global scope .
@Qjay But is it changed somewhere?
Why not just check like this?qDebug() << v.toStringList().size() << current; qDebug() << v.toStringList().at(current); QUrl url = v.toStringList().at(current);
In such a situation this is actually the first thing to do...
hey @jsulm
i tried what you suggested
qDebug() << v.toStringList().size() << current; qDebug() << v.toStringList().at(current); QUrl url = v.toStringList().at(current);
i did this
qDebug() << "stringlist size and current" << v.toStringList().size() << current; qDebug() << "current url in stringlist" << v.toStringList().at(current); QUrl url = v.toStringList().at(current); qDebug() << "why break" << url;
stringlist size and current 33 0 current url in stringlist "(" why break QUrl("") ""
and then error
ASSERT failure in QList<T>::at: "index out of range", file ../../Qt5.7.0/5.7/gcc_64/include/QtCore/qlist.h, line 537 The program has unexpectedly finished.
@Qjay Why is the URL in parentheses?
Looks like you are doing a lot of parsing, replacement etc.
The first thing I'd do, is to just ensure that you really have URLs in your list. And get rid of that QVariant parameter. It really doesn't make any sense in your use case.
Hello , thanks for the suggetions .
yes there were useless ( ) in url . i have removed them . Now i am able to assign url to Qurl :D great!!
i removed the Qvariant thing too
now the code is
.cpp :
header file :
but the assert error still exist :/
Still at the same place ?
From the looks of it, you're currently lucky.
I'd recommend considering refactoring and cleaning up this code. Maybe a full rewrite would even be better.
I too was also thinking of full rewrite but i don't have much time for that right now :/ .