OSX: Wrong theme icons are loaded when app is deployed with macdeployqt
I'm using custom icon themes for QOwnNotes.
In dark mode I set a theme breeze-dark-qownnotes withQIcon::setThemeName("breeze-dark-qownnotes")
Here is the icon resource file: breeze-dark-qownnotes.qrcThat works perfectly under Linux and Windows.
When I build with
under OS X it still works perfectly. But when I usemacdeployqt QOwnNotes.app
to finally deploy the app the icons from the dark mode theme are not used anymore. Instead the icons from the default icon set breeze-qownnotes are viewed in the toolbar and everywhere else.
Here is the default icon resource file: breeze-qownnotes.qrcDoes anyone have an idea what went wrong?
I tested with Qt 5.5.1 on OS X 10.11 and on Travis Ci, also with Qt 5.5.1.
QOwnNotes OS X build on Travis CI, this is where the release building is done. -
I now filed a bug https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-54960.