EGLFS app with preinstalled Qt5
Hi, guys!
I successfully cross-compiled Qt library for RPi2 with EGLFS support (1), and application being developed works well in full screen.Now I need video support with VLC (via VLC-Qt (2)) in my app. Cross-compilation of both VLC and VLC-Qt is complicated process and I end up without success with it.
Then I installed Qt using
apt-get install qt5-default
and compiled everything I need, I got video in my app. It is fine, but I need my app running in fullscreen mode, even better without X at all, so EGLFS is the best bet.
Probably the solution is to build Qt with EGLFS support on RPi2 itself, but I do not want to do this since I have powerful host computer.
I have several questions:
- Is it possible to create application with preinstalled Qt version targeting EGLFS?
- During cross-compilation, how to include qmake and company into target build to be able to build other apps with toolchain on target?
- Are there other ways to run application in fullscreen mode except the EGLFS?
Thanks, Dmitry