Unable to interact with TextEdit content inside Flickable that is not exposed when Flickable is in its default position
I am currently trying to develop a basic code editor in QML. I want to have a TextEdit inside of a Flickable, and have begun to write some code to update the Flickable view based on the cursor position (this nearly works perfectly).
However, I am unable to select text with the mouse in the TextEdit where it was not available when the Flickable's contentY is set to 0. On my monitor this is 42 lines, so it is not possible to interact with line 43 onwards. If I have selected text from before line 43, I can select text beyond line 43 but I cannot start beyond this point. Obviously, for a code editor, not being able to position the cursor or select text for anything beyond the first few lines is hugely impractical.
I have included the code snippet below - any advice would be appreciated.
ScrollView { id: root anchors.top: parent.top anchors.right: parent.right height: parent.height width: parent.width frameVisible: false Flickable { id: flick boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds width: parent.width; height: parent.height; contentWidth: codeInputText.paintedWidth contentHeight: codeInputText.paintedHeight clip: true onContentYChanged: { codeInputText.firstVisibleLineNum = (contentY/codeInputText.lineHeight) + 1 var lastVisibleScrollableLineNum = codeInputText.maxVisibleLines + codeInputText.firstVisibleLineNum - 1 codeInputText.lastVisibleLineNum = Math.min(Math.floor(lastVisibleScrollableLineNum), codeInputText.lineCount) } TextEdit { property var fontSize: 20 property var firstVisibleLineNum: 1 property var lastVisibleLineNum: lineCount property var lineHeight: paintedHeight/lineCount property var maxVisibleLines: height/lineHeight focus: true Accessible.name: "document" id: codeInputText objectName: "codeInputText" wrapMode: TextEdit.WrapAnywhere baseUrl: "qrc:/" text: "" textFormat: Qt.PlainText color: "white" font.family: "Courier New" font.pixelSize: fontSize width: flick.width height: flick.height onCursorPositionChanged: { // If cursor position is out of line of sight, update view var lines = text.split("\n"); var charsSoFar = 0; var cursorLine = 1; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i]; var newCharsSoFar = charsSoFar + line.length + i if (newCharsSoFar >= cursorPosition) { cursorLine = i + 1; break; } else { charsSoFar = charsSoFar + line.length; } } // Update view to show current line number if (cursorLine < firstVisibleLineNum) { // Move up - make first visible line == cursor line flick.contentY = (cursorLine - 1) * lineHeight } else if (cursorLine > lastVisibleLineNum) { // Move down - make last visible line == cursor line flick.contentY = ((cursorLine) * lineHeight) - height } } } } }