Tcp/Ip client-server communication in qt c++
i have created tcp/ip client server communication.i can send messages from client to server. but i have a issue.. i have to display the sent message as binary on server.i am unable to do this. help will be appreciated.
#include "client.h"
#include <QHostAddress>Client::Client(QObject* parent): QObject(parent)
connect(this, SIGNAL(startTransferSignal(QString)), this,
connect(this, SIGNAL(startSignal(QString,quint16)), this,
SLOT(start(QString, quint16)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(Disconnect()), this, SLOT(DisconnectSlot()));
}void Client::DisconnectSlot()
}void Client::start(QString address, quint16 port)
QHostAddress addr(address);
client.connectToHost(addr, port);
}void Client::startTransfer(QString msg)
quint32 length = msg.length();
client.write((char*)&length, sizeof(length));
client.write(msg.toUtf8(), msg.length());
#include "server.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;Server::Server(QObject* parent): QObject(parent)
connect(&server, SIGNAL(newConnection()),
this, SLOT(acceptConnection()));
}void Server::start()
server.listen(QHostAddress::Any, 8080);
}void Server::acceptConnection()
client = server.nextPendingConnection();
qDebug() << "Connected to client";connect(client, SIGNAL(readyRead()),
this, SLOT(startRead()));
}void Server::startRead()
while (1)
char buffer[1024] = {0};
quint32 length = 0;if (client->bytesAvailable() < 4) { if (!client->waitForReadyRead(-1)) break; } client->read((char*)&length, sizeof(length)); while (client->bytesAvailable() < length) client->waitForReadyRead(-1); quint32 read = 0; do { read += client->read(buffer, length); qDebug() << "Message received from client:" << QString::fromLatin1(buffer) << endl; }while (read < length);
qDebug() << "Disconnected from client";
} -
i don't know if i got you correct, but is this what you are looking for?QByteArray(buffer, length).toHex();
i exactly dont know. i am new to Qt. if you can, kindly help me to figure it out.
Thank you! -
i neither don't know what you want to achieve exactly.
The example i give displays the received binary data as hex values. Is that already what you want? -
yeah..may be similar one. where should i insert this code exactly?Thanks!
@karthik23 said:
where should i insert this code exactly?
where you need it :)
I mean u asked the question because you want to achieve something.
Since it's still not very clear what you want as the final result, i can't help you.For testing you can add it in the line where your qDebug() calls is.