The best way to handle signals inside Grid with Buttons?
Hi all,
I try to write an good solution to handle some button mouse events. I use a Grid and fill it with some button objects.//Menu.qml
//one part of my qml file
// using QtQuick 1.1 with Qt 4.8.5id: menuuser1 property string buttonUserTEXT_A: qsTR("TEXT A") property string buttonUserTEXT_B: qsTR("TEXT B") .... //... //... function doStuffWhenButtonInGridPressed() { } Grid { id: columnbutton y: 30 width: 600 height: 440 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter columns: 2 spacing: 10 opacity: 1 property real h: 56 property real w: ((columnbutton.width-columnbutton.spacing)/2) ButtonMenu { width: columnbutton.w; height: columnbutton.h; operation: buttonUserTEXT_A; } ButtonMenu { width: columnbutton.w; height: columnbutton.h; operation: buttonUserTEXT_B; } ButtonMenu { width: columnbutton.w; height: columnbutton.h; operation: buttonUserTEXT_C; } ButtonMenu { width: columnbutton.w; height: columnbutton.h; operation: buttonUserTEXT_D; } }
This is the file to define the Button Design
//ButtonMenu.qmlRectangle { id: buttonmenu property alias operation: buttonTextM.text signal clicked(string buttontext) Text { id: buttonTextM anchors.centerIn: parent; anchors.verticalCenterOffset: FontVertOffst color: color_button_text verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter a_Font font.pixelSize: 26 } MouseArea { id: mouseArea anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { if (!parent.enabled || !parent.visible) return; if (buttonTextM.text == menuuser1.buttonUserTEXT_A) { menuuser1.state = "A" } else if(buttonTextM.text == menuuser1.buttonUserTEXT_B) { //do some other stuff } else if(buttonTextM.text == menuuser1.buttonUserTEXT_C) { menuuser1.state = "B" } else if(buttonTextM.text == menuuser1.buttonUserTEXT_D) { menuuser1.state = "C" } else if(buttonTextM.text == "Back") { menuuser1.state = "D" } clicked(buttonTextM.text) } } states: State{ name: "pressed"; when: mouseArea.pressed PropertyChanges { target: buttonmenu; color: color_button_pressed; } PropertyChanges { target: buttonTextM; color: color_button_text_pressed; } } }
Now i like to have a function in my MENU.qml file to handle/catch all the signals from the different buttons when clicked. I added the signal to the ButtonMenu.qml but at the Menu.qml file i have no access.
function doStuffWhenButtonInGridPressed() { }
Actually I do all the stuff inside each "buttonmenu" and I think this is not the best way, because every time if one button will be created with the Grid I have all the if-else stuff in each object. I'm right?
I want just one function at my main MENU.qml file to handle the button events.
Any idea how to do this in a better way? Would be great....Thanks
I think i got it... sometimes you don't see the tree in the wood...
Is just change inside the Grid....
ButtonMenu { width: columnbutton.w; height: columnbutton.h; operation: buttonUserTEXTA; onClicked: {menuuser.state = "STATE A" } }
so easy, and I can remove the if-else stuff inside the ButtonMenu.qml...
I think its SOLVED!!