Incorrect menu icon size for QuickControls 2 gallery app in Android x86 AVD Emulator
I've run the Qt Quick Controls 2 Gallery app for Android x86 in an AVD (Android Version 6 Marshmallow API 23, Rev , Emulator Version 22.1.6) and the size of the menu icons seem to be too small (see here)
I am using Qt 5.7 RC. The app is not displayed correctly on devices with resolutions hdpi, xhdpi and xxhdpi. It only displays correctly if the DPI is 560 or thereabouts.
The device pixel ratio reported by qApp->primaryScreen()->devicePixelRatio() is 1.5
The gallery app enables high DPI scaling and I can see that in the gallery.qrc file there are icons for various resolutions which I understand Qt should be automatically selecting for the DPR in question.
Unfortunatkey I don't have an Android phone these days to test further.
Any ideas why it doesn't display correctly.
AFAIK and as silly as it may sound: because it's an iOS platform feature/constaint.
It started with the Retina displays. iOS applications would have to provide these images if they wanted to support these displays.
You can find more information about scalability here.
Hope it helps