Qt IFW: override the default behaviour of Browse button in Target Directory
Installation and Deployment
Hallo everybody,
this is my problem.
I've created an installer with Qt IFW 2.0.1 in which I need to make some extra checks only under Windows.
More exactly I need to check if the destination directory (selected through the Browse button in the Target Directory page) ends with a particular string (say "MyFolder"). When not, a popup message is shown and the Next button is kept disabled.
I've implemented a "slot" connected to the signal "textChanged" of TargetDirectoryLineEdit; it shows the popup message (when necessary) but I'm not able to force the Next button to work in a proper way (note that I've simply used "buttons.NextButton.enabled = false;") .
Is there a mistake?
If not should I implement a custom page?
Thanks in advance.