Building NPAPI plugin without X11 in QTWebkit ?
Is it possible to build the NPAPI plugin without X11 in QTWebkit. We have built QTWebkit with directfb as backend (without X11) and it renders fine in the platform. Our next requirement is to build the plugin for QTWebkit. Seems like NPAPI plugin is not supported in non X11 windows system. Have anybody tried ? and Is there any alternative approach available to develop plugin on qtwebwit without X11.
Here is experimental patch adding NPAPI support on DirectFB:, if you are planning to write plugins yourself, you may find it easier to inject your conent into the page with QObject bridge. More complicated approach (but still more productive and likely more CPU-efficient than NPAPI way) is implementing your custom elements inside WebKit.
Could you specify what are you planning to achieve with plugin?