WorkerScript for heavy canvas3d application
QML and Qt Quick
I have a qt quick application (buttons etc.) for user control and a canvas3d animation in the middle of the screen. However loading the javascript files with JSON.loader for the cad model takes a lot of time and my application freezes for some time. I was trying to run extra thread for the animation with WorkerScript in QML.
The problem is that i cannot give the canvas3d object (QObject) ot the workerscript. Any idea how to solve that problem?
Canvas3D { id: canvas3d anchors.fill: parent anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter focus: true WorkerScript { id: myWorker source: 'workerscript.js' onMessage: console.log(message.reply) } onInitializeGL: { //GLCode.init(canvas3d) myWorker.sendMessage(canvas3d) } WorkerScript.onMessage = function(message) { initScene(); initCamera(message.canvas) initMeshObjects(); initRenderer(message.canvas); WorkerScript.sendMessage({'reply': 'WorkerScript done!'}); } function initMeshObjects() { // ![1] var loader1 = new THREE.JSONLoader(); loader1.load('/rightBack/chrome11.js', function(geometry, materials) { var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xCBDAD5, ambient: 0x00000000, shading: THREE.SmoothShading}); chrome11 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); scene.add(chrome11); }); }