MouseArea inside MapQuickItem not clickable?
General and Desktop
I am trying to add a popup on the map. The only signals work for mousearea are Entered and Exited. None other working.
Here is my code
import QtQuick 2.0 import QtPositioning 5.5 import QtLocation 5.5 import "components" as Components Map{ id: hereMap plugin: mapPlugin activeMapType:hereMap.supportedMapTypes[3] center{ latitude: 41.8890477 longitude: -87.6223297 } zoomLevel: 16 z: 1 MapQuickItem { id: mapMarkerItem property string type anchorPoint.x: markerImage.width/2 anchorPoint.y: markerImage.height coordinate: QtPositioning.coordinate(41.8890477, -87.6223297) sourceItem: Rectangle { id:mapMarker color: "white" //state: "hideToolTip" Image { id: markerImage source: "qrc:/images/images/map-marker.png" width:40 fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true onClicked: { console.log('clicked') } onDoubleClicked: { console.log('double-clicked') } onPressed: { console.log('pressed') } onEntered: { console.log('Entered') } onExited: { console.log('Exited') } } } } } }