After deploy QtMultimedia missing
After deploy QtMultimedia missing
for my windows desktop app I integrated a QML Camera view in a QQuickwidget.
(Because the camera-view-finder-widget not really works).
Started from QtCreator it works, but outside after deployment it works not because the "QtMultimedia module is missing.
(I got this error after reading ofQList<QQmlError> ers = QQuickWidget->errors();)
My deploy
C:\Qt\5.5\msvc2013\bin\windeployqt -printsupport -multimedia -script C:\Projects\Binary\CarDamage\release\CarDamage.exe --dir .Pro-file
After deploy QtMultimedia missingQT += core gui sql QT += qml quick quickwidgets QT += multimedia multimediawidgets QT += printsupport script
What dll is missing?
How must I change the windeploy parameter? -
IIRC, you should set the path to the binary as last parameter of your windeployqt call.
Hello @SGaist ,
the order changes nothing, but now I think I understand it.
Because the qml files will not be compiled there is not info in the binary what is needed.
I must add the --qmldir parameter so that the deployment tool can scan the qml-files it and finds the needed modules.Does this mean that I must put all my qml file in one root folder ?
Not possible to distribute my files over different root folders (for building independent reusable components for different projects) ? -
From a quick look at the sources of windeployqt, it seems that you can path qmldir several times so it will search in all the folders you path as parameter.