Extend QSqlTableModel & Update model data;
because I'm new to Qt I need some design suggestions.
I have persistent data stored in a database and dynamic data calculated at run-time. I want to show both in aQTableview
, but I don't want to store the dynamic data in the database to reduce unnecessary transactions. Should I create two models or should I use aQProxyModel
use thesetModel
function to include sql-data and add columns for dynamic data or should I extend theQSqlTableModel
The next problem is I don't know how to update the dynamic data inside the model. If I receive new data for an specific object how I can address it in the model to update it. ThesetData
function only work onQModelIndex
. I know the column but not the row the create the index and I want to avoid a search every time.
Thanks. -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Since it's computed from the database content then I'd go with the QSqlTableModel subclass.
When setData is called the index received contains both the row and column so you know exactly which cell has been modified. Just update the content of the computed column and emit the dataChanged signal with both parameters pointing your computed cell.
Hope it helps
Thanks for your help. If I inherit formQSqlTableModel
and add an extra column which function I have to overwrite, onlydata
Yes of course, if I callsetData
with a specificQModelIndex
the signaldataChanged
knows the index of the updated cell, but my problem is the step before. I receive position updates every second. The update contains an id corresponding the primary key of an database object and an new position. Now I want to update the appropriate row in the model, so I need a mapping from the id to the row. Or it's possible build a model containing the whole object and connect the update signal to the object slot? -
Also columnCount, otherwise your column won't be shown.
AFAIK, you currently have to do that by hand e.g. using a QHash.
Thanks for your help.
I decide to inherit fromQSortFilterProxyModel
, extend it to add additional columns and set thesourceModel
.class ExtraColumnProxyModel : public QSortFilterProxyModel { Q_OBJECT public: ExtraColumnProxyModel(QObject* parent = 0); Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const; QVariant headerData( int section , Qt::Orientation orientation , int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const; QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const; int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const; QModelIndex index( int row , int column , const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex() ) const; void appendColumn(QString columnName); QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const; private: QHash<int, QByteArray> m_roles; QVector<QString> headerDataVector = QVector<QString>(); };
So it's working like you wanted it ?
Yes, the model works correctly. Thanks.
If I want to access the data stored in the extraColumns and I the only thing I get is a identifier-string. I have to create aQHash<QString, QModelIndex>
(update it on model change) to get the correct index and aQMap<QModelIndex, $Data>
to store and access the values. Or is there a cleaner solution? -
Are you moving rows around ?
You could put that information at the same index using a custom role but it might be slower to get to the right index when searching for it.
An example of
myModel->setData(myCustomValue, Qt::UserRole + 1);