newFunction in QJSEngine missing
As QScriptEngine is getting deprecated and will not be there anymore in 5.6, the functionality of (QJSEngine)-newFunction(...) is a must.
Can someone advice if that function will be implemented or another mechanism does exist already?
My goal is to mount native C++ function to the engine.
Thanks in Advance!
AFAIK, It will not be available as a compiled module but still in sources so you can compile it yourself. That said, you should rather bring your newFunction related question to the interest mailing list. You'll find there Qt's developers/maintainers (this forum is more user oriented)
@zerocom I am using it to map native c++ functions into the engine to make them available for scripting.
This is the way I amount the native function sqrt into my engine.
QScriptValue func_sqrt = m_engine->newFunction(sqrt, liEngine); m_engine->globalObject().setProperty("sqrt", func_sqrt, QScriptValue::ReadOnly | QScriptValue::Undeletable);
This is an example of the native function:
QScriptValue ScriptModuleMath::sqrt(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine, void *arg) { Q_UNUSED(engine) Q_UNUSED(arg) if (context->argumentCount()!=1) { return context->throwError( QScriptContext::SyntaxError, "sqrt(...): illegal number of arguments."); } else if (!context->argument(0).isNumber()) { return context->throwError( QScriptContext::SyntaxError, "sqrt(...): argument 1 is not a number."); } return qSqrt(context->argument(0).toNumber()); }
And this is the way I can use it then in the script:
value = sqrt(4);
I guess you want to use QJSEngine::evaluate() right? I think you could create a QJSValue from a QObject which has sqrt() as an invokable function. Set this object as property inside the globalObject from QJSEngine.
class MyExtension : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: MyExtension(QObject *parent = nullptr) : QObject(parent) {} Q_INVOKABLE double sqrt(double value) { return qSqrt(value); } } QJSEngine engine; engine.globalObject().setProperty("MyMath", engine.newQObject(new MyExtension()));
Inside the script:
If you run QML scripts, you could also inherit from MyExtension or create a "MyMath" using context property or attachedProperty.
I think it could work like that:
QJSEngine engine; QJSValue myExt = engine.newQObject(new MyExtension()); engine.globalObject().setProperty("sqrt","sqrt"));
I didn't try it, but reading the documentation leads to that solution. You could of cause create a generator function, which adds all methods von MyExtension to the global object.
@zerocom said:
I think it could work like that:
QJSEngine engine; QJSValue myExt = engine.newQObject(new MyExtension()); engine.globalObject().setProperty("sqrt","sqrt"));
I didn't try it, but reading the documentation leads to that solution. You could of cause create a generator function, which adds all methods von MyExtension to the global object.
Thanks, this is exactly solving my issue!
@zerocom I had the same issue and your comment helped me to solve it. but this solution seems to be working for predefined number of arguments for invokable functions. is there any way to create an invokable function with variable argument number similar to what we used to do by QScriptContext?