Qt Labs Controls & icon resources
I trying to place an familiar ToolButton with icon. ToolButton have no property like iconSource so i set Image to background:
ToolButton { background: Image { source: icon("ic_chevron_left_white_24dp.png"); } }
From here i meet issues with bad image appearance (size/stretching/etc. )
In Qt Quick Controls 1 i can set an ldpi/mdpi/hdpi/etc. icon image depending on screen DPI and ToolButton icon looks as it should.
Qt Labs Controls designed to be used with new Qt 5.6 scaling feature (Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling), what is proper way to deal with icon resources in Qt Quick Controls 2 application? -
icons depend on DevicePixelRatio and are named this way:
myIcon.png - corresponds to 1.0 and mdpi - use this name in qml
myIcon@2x.png - 2.0 and xhdpi
myIcon@3x.png - 3.0 and xxhdpi
myIcon@4x.png - 4.0 and xxxhdpiif you want to know the DevicePixelRatio: