Dynamic component : component on component
QML and Qt Quick
I have an application with the c++ part which provide data to Qml. My data isn't always the same. I want display these data properly on Column.
When I have new data, I add Text component on a Column without problem.
But I want create Column on column to organize my data :____________________ | _______ | | | text | | | |_______| | | | | _______ | | | text | | | |_______| | | | | ______________ | | | _______ | | | | | text | | | | | |_______| | | | | ______ | | | | | text | | | | | |______| | | | |______________| | |__________________|
To do this, I want create dynamically component column on the main component.
Item { id:previewInfo property variant dataCurrentItem: myApp.searchResult.length>0 ? myApp.searchResult[listResult.currentIndex] : "" Component { id:simpleComponent Text{ wrapMode: Text.WordWrap; font.pixelSize: 21; font.family: fontAller_Lt.name color:cst_COLOR_WHITE; } } Component { id: columnComponent Column { id:myColumn width:200; height: 200; } } Column { id: mainColumn width: parent.width; height:parent.height spacing:20 } onDataCurrentItemChanged: { for(var i=0; i<mainColumn.children.length; ++i) { mainColumn.children[i].destroy() } if(dataCurrentItem) { if(dataCurrentItem.data1) { simpleComponent.createObject(mainColumn,{"text":dataCurrentItem.data1}); } if(dataCurrentItem.data2) { simpleComponent.createObject(columnComponent,{"text":dataCurrentItem.data2}); columnComponent.createObject(mainColumn); } } } }
But it doesn't work and I have the error
QQmlComponent: Created graphical object was not placed in the graphics scene.
I have found a solution.
I have to create first my object column. Then I can create "children" :Item { id:previewInfo property variant dataCurrentItem: myApp.searchResult.length>0 ? myApp.searchResult[listResult.currentIndex] : "" Component { id:simpleComponent Text{ wrapMode: Text.WordWrap; font.pixelSize: 21; } } Component { id: columnComponent Column { id:myColumComposed width:200; function addText(data){ if(data) { simpleComponent.createObject(myColumComposed,{"text":data}); } } } } Column { id: mainColumn width: parent.width; height:parent.height spacing:20 } onDataCurrentItemChanged: { for(var i=0; i<mainColumn.children.length; ++i) { mainColumn.children[i].destroy() } if(dataCurrentItem) { if(dataCurrentItem.data1) { simpleComponent.createObject(mainColumn,{"text":data1}); } if(dataCurrentItem.data2) { simpleComponent.createObject(mainColumn,{"text":data2}); } var objectColumn = columnComponent.createObject(mainColumn); objectColumn.addText("data3"); objectColumn.addText("data4"); } } }