Change language of date
QML and Qt Quick
I want display an date on a app but the language isn't correct.var dateProgramme = Date.fromLocaleString(Qt.locale("en_US"), previewInfo.dataCurrentItem.dateDiffusion, "dd/MM/yyyy") console.log(dateProgramme); // Display date in french : "lun. févr. 15 00:00:00 2016 GMT+0100"
I have tried to change qlocale language on main.cpp but it change nothing. (It seems language is only change on cpp).
QLocale curLocale(QLocale("en_US")); QLocale::setDefault(curLocale); QDate date = QDate::currentDate(); QString dateString = QLocale().toString(date); qDebug() << dateString; //Display date in english: "Monday, February 15, 2016"
How can I change language on qml ?