[SOLVED] QTabWidget tabName and qplaintextedit::textChanged() signal problem
i have tried and result="hello" .
void MainWindow::on_treeView_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
QModelIndex mapped=filter->mapToSource(index);
void MainWindow::text_Changed()
qDebug()<<sampleString; // currentName writes
ui->tabWidget_2->setTabText(ui->tabWİdget_2->currentIndex(),ty+"*");//this not working}
u are using
and I sort expect it to be
if u still have sort on.
ui->tabWidget_2->setTabText(ui->tabWİdget_2->currentIndex(),ty+"*");//this not workingok. it looks strange. what are u trying to do ?
and what part is not working?
Is currentindex valid?int sel=ui->tabWİdget_2->currentIndex();
qDebug () << "sel is:" << sel;
ui->tabWidget_2->setTabText(sel,"test"); -
setTabText not working in addStar function. normally works(setTabText())
It should do the same in any slot or function.
Are you sure its called
and the index and text you use are valid?
what did
qDebug () << "sel is:" << sel;
show you? -
sel = -1
ok. ahh.
so index is not valid.
tabWİdget_2->currentIndex() is -1 which means there is no
current/active tab.
try clicking tab before testing the text changed or change to
the first one.How many tabs did u add to it ?
I am add tab with code. So It's not certain tabcount. Index only not valid in textChanged(). Otherwise valid
ui->tabWidget_2->setTabText(0,"tabOne"); I tried it in addStar() function but not working
sorry I am out of guesses.
does not work, it have no idea then.Did u place break point on it and made sure its called?
You are 100% sure you are adding tabs to ui->tabWidget_2 and not
ui->tabWidget_1 or something else ? -
I am sure
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to takoo on 8 Feb 2016, 21:35 last edited by mrjj 2 Aug 2016, 21:44
Well i'm out of guesses. sorry.
There is no reason that setTabText should not work.please see this small sample that change tabtext when u write in edit
https://www.dropbox.com/s/pm5uolmc7m0fo2w/mytabs.zip?dl=0 -
Ok, im sure what u changed? -
i sent scripts. You can see
Ohh, the function was empty?? -
@mrjj http://www116.zippyshare.com/v/M9f6gXaM/file.html
Try to run this project (myTabs) -
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to takoo on 11 Feb 2016, 19:57 last edited by mrjj 2 Nov 2016, 20:00
you create a new version of main window hereplaint::plaint(QWidget *parent):QPlainTextEdit(parent) { mw=new MainWindow();<<---------------- new main wind connect(this,SIGNAL(textChanged()),mw,SLOT(yildiz())); }
mw is never shown and u never see u change the tabtext in this new version you create.
in main.cpp, you already create a Mainwindow version so not sure why u create a new one. ?