QToolbar on OSX: no hover effect
Hello! I'm experimenting with Qt and I want to create a toolbar with some actions. I've successfully done it:
but when I point a particular element with mouse pointer there is no hover effect:
On the other hand a tooltip is shown and once I clock on the icon triggered() event is fired.
To me it looks very strange, I believe this is wrong behavior. How can I enable the hover effect?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
IIRC there's no such effects on OS X. What version of OS X are you running ?
Hello! Thanks for the reply. I'm using the last OS X, El Capitan. You have confused me, I was sure there is such an effect there. I have googled about that and found this picture:
But I'm not sure which OS X version is depicted there.
In any case, if I remove icon and use text labels, when label is hovered it changes its colour, so it seems there should be such an effect.
Please have some patience, this forum is community driven and not all users live in the same timezone as you.
The picture you are linking to doesn't show a hovered button but a checked button. You will have that visual effect if you set the checkable property of the action to corresponding to the button as true and you check it.