How can i get headers for each connection in QWebSocket.
Sorry for my english.
I created WebSocket server in QT5. When client is connecting to server, i need get header 'User-Agent'. Since QtWebSocket wrote in QTcpSocket i decide what possibly get all header about QWebSocket connect. But i did not find information about this in documentation.
Really no way to get request headers from the client during the connection to the QWebSocket server? -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
QWebSocket is not a QTcpSocket but uses one internally. You can get the request used to establish the connection using QWebSocket::request (only available since 5.6)
Hope it helps
Hi. Thanks for your answer. This is really work. I was recompiled Qt 5.6 beta and tried it.
Thank you very much. -
You're welcome !
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