Looping through query results and displaying in tableview
General and Desktop
My intention is to use the following code to read all the data from the database and list them in tableview. ```
//your code #include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
ui->setupUi(this);QSqlDatabase db; db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase ("QSQLITE"); db.setDatabaseName ("C:/Programming/Qtsamples/Image_from_db_to_Table/db.db"); if(!db.open ()) { qDebug() << "The database is NOT open!"; } else { qDebug() << "The database is open!"; } QSqlQuery query("SELECT * FROM Items "); if(query.isActive()==true) { qDebug() << "The query is active."; } else { qDebug() << "The query is NOT active."; } QSqlQuery query2 ("SELECT Count(*) FROM Items"); int count; query2.first (); count = query2.value (0).toInt (); qDebug() << "The number of rows: " << count; //query.first (); QStandardItemModel *smodel = new QStandardItemModel; int ID; ui->tableView->setModel (smodel); while(query.next ()) { QStandardItem *Item = new QStandardItem(); QStandardItem *Item2 = new QStandardItem(); Item->setData (ID = query.value (0).toInt (),Qt::DisplayRole); qDebug() << "ID = " << ID; smodel->setItem (0,0,Item); QByteArray ByteArray; ByteArray = query.value (1).toByteArray (); QPixmap Pixmap; Pixmap.loadFromData (ByteArray); Pixmap = Pixmap.scaled (100,100,Qt::KeepAspectRatio); Item2->setData (QVariant(Pixmap),Qt::DecorationRole); smodel->setItem (0,1,Item2); ui->tableView->; } ui->tableView->resizeColumnsToContents (); ui->tableView->resizeRowsToContents (); ui->tableView->horizontalHeader ()->setStyleSheet ("QHeaderView{font: 14pt Arial; color: blue; font-weight: bold;}"); smodel->setHeaderData (0,Qt::Horizontal, QObject::tr ("ID")); smodel->setHeaderData (1,Qt::Horizontal, QObject::tr ("Picture")); db.close ();
delete ui;
}The code only lists the first item in the database. Please help me to find what I did wrong. Thank you.
@gabor53 said:
Well the query seems fine.
But one thing I did wonder;smodel->setItem (0, 0, Item); smodel->setItem (0, 1, Item2);
You inset as same row ? (0)
I imagine something likeint row=0 while(query.next ()) { ... smodel->setItem (row, 0, Item); smodel->setItem (row++, 1, Item2); ...
Also for viewing, there is also