QTreeView not refresh correctly
Hi all,
In my application, I have a tree hierarchical structure FooTree that contains Foo* objects.
Each Foo object knows how many children it has and also its index in its parent's children table.Now I'd like to display the FooTree in a QTreeView.
I've reimplemented my own QAbstractItemModel where each QModelIndex owns a Foo* (based on doc from http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/modelview.html)
For example,rowCount()
looks like this :int FooModel::rowCount(QModelIndex & parent) int { return static_cast<Foo*>(parent.internalPointer())->GetNumberOfChild(); } QModelIndex FooModel::index(int row,int column,const QModelIndex &parent) const { Foo* FooParent=NULL; if(!parent.isValid()) FooParent = m_Root; else FooParent = static_cast<Foo*>(parent.internalPointer()); Foo* FooChild = NULL; if(FooParent ) { int nbChildren = FooParent->GetChildrenNumber(); if( row >= 0 && row < nbChildren) FooChild = FooParent->GetChild(row); } if(FooChild) indexToReturn=createIndex( row, column, FooChild); return indexToReturn; }
When I launch my QTreeView, it's ok, the view displays the existing FooTree correctly.
My problem is when I append Foo* Child to an existing Foo* Parent in my FooTree, I can't have the view to refresh correctly.
For the moment, once the Foo* has been added I call this method on the model :
void FooModel::FooHasBeenAdded( Foo* foo) { QModelIndex parentIndex = IndexOf( foo->GetParent()); // Custom func to retrieve the index of a Foo* emit dataChanged( parentIndex, parentIndex); }
I would expect that emitting
dataChanged(parentIndex, parentIndex)
would re-create all the indices under parentIndex (becauserowCount(parentIndex)
has changed) and then notify the view but it doesn't work.Any ideas ? Is there something wrong with my code ?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
You should also call the appropriate beginInsertRows and endInsertRows when you add data to your structure. That will trigger the proper update for the views