Not able to fetch metadata for the mp3 files
I am trying to categorise the songs based on Metadata fetched.
I used the following functions 1)isMetaDataAvailable and
2)metaData(QMediaMetaData::AlbumArtist).toString()to fetch the information. They always return true. Do u have any suggestion ?
meta_player is my media player objext
connect(meta_player, SIGNAL(metaDataChanged()), SLOT(metadata_capture()));Code of capture:
if((meta_player->isMetaDataAvailable()) &&( inc < file_list.length()))
qDebug() << "Meta info available"<<endl;
QStringList list = meta_player->availableMetaData();
qDebug() << " Meta Data ="<<list.count()<<endl;
for(int i=0;i<list.count();i++){
qDebug() << << " = "<< meta_player->metaData(;
qDebug()<<"After Icrement "<<inc;
qDebug()<<"File Name"<<;
qDebug()<<"File Name"<<;
}The Signal meta_player->setMedia(QUrl::fromLocalFile(; is not emitted properly. For example when I add 6 songs i get met info for two songs. The result is ambiguous, its not constant.