Could not get authorization that is needed for continuing the installation.
I've run into this same problem on Windows 7 while attempting to install to Program Files(x86) without permissions. But I don't think this is a QT bug.
As far as I know RHEL does not use sudo by default. What you should do instead is: log in as root calling "su" in the command line and then start the installer.
In Ubuntu 10.04,11.04 using double click or from the terminal in all users and using root works fine for all paths.
In rhel using terminal for all users and root user works fine for all path.
Problem is only with users other than root using double click only for only /opt path. For other path it works fine . -
@Ratzz Normal users are not allowed to write to /opt
In general, normal users are only allowed to write in their home directory an /tmp
So, you need to be root if you want to install in /opt.
If you do call a command with sudo on Ubuntu then you become root during execution of that command, that's why it works with sudo on Ubuntu.
On RHEL try to call su in a terminal and enter your root password and then call the install app from same terminal. -
@Ratzz What's the problem then?
@Ratzz said:
Problem only when i try to install the installer on double click on /opt path only.
On linux this is not meant to be done this way... Install scripts are meant to be run from the terminal, using root privileges. Ubuntu tweaks the logic by allowing everyone to prepend a
to every possible command, but it by far not the standard way. -
@Ratzz As I already sad before on UNIX/Linux a normal, non root, user is NOT allowed to write to /opt!
but in ubuntu on double click of installer on /opt path it ask for root password and it installs with root password .
But in rhel on double click of installer on /opt path it ask for root password and it installs with root password it gives error as show in original post. -
@Ratzz said:
but in ubuntu on double click of installer on /opt path it ask for root password and it installs with root password .
As you were told Ubuntu's not linux. They've tweaked the usual behaviour to allow people to do things without thinking.
@Ratzz Is the user you are using member of the group "sudo"? You can check this by typing "groups" in a terminal. At least on Ubuntu a user must be member of "sudo" group to be able to use sudo command.