Android 5 fail to convet QQuickItem to QImage
I want to convert QQuickItem(Videooutput) to QImage, it works on Android 4.4, but when I tried it on Android 5(Samsung Galaxy s6), Videooutput works, but when I want to screen it prints "W/GLConsumer( 7947): [unnamed-7947-0] bindTextureImage: clearing GL error: 0x502"
VideoOutput {
id: videoOutputwidth: 400 height: 400 source: camera focus: true autoOrientation: true MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { imageHandler.makeScreenSync(videoOutput) } } } ImageHandler { id: imageHandler }
QImage ImageHandler::makeScreenSync(QQuickItem *videoOutput)
QImage iresult = videoOutput->window()->grabWindow();
return iresult;