[SOLVED] Encoding UTF-8, QStandardItem and cross-compiling
Hello all.
I'm developing a desktop application on Qt 5.5. I'm on a Ubuntu 14.04 environment, but I need the application to work on both Ubuntu and Windows. For that, I am using MinGW, which works fine.
My application is accessing some web services which return xml files, encoded in UTF-8, with a lot of non-english characters. I parse the xml using rapidxml, and (tipically) store some information on a QMap<QString, QString> sctructure. The code I use for that is something like this:mapaOrgaos[oName.item(i)->text().toUtf8()] = oID.item(i)->text().toUtf8();
Here both oName and oID are instances of QStandardItemModel.
After that, I add the map keys to a Combo box, like this:ui->ComboOrgaos->addItems(mapaOrgaos.keys());
On Ubuntu, everything works fine. But when I cross compile for Windows, the texts shown in the combo box are not correctly encoded (the text shows quotation marks over a black background for non-english characters).
I've been searching the web for a week trying to find out what might be the problem. One important thing to add is that the encoding works fine for strings that do not pass through a QStandardItemModel object. For example, literal strings (used in labels) or xml results passed directly to a text box show correctly encoded text.
Any ideas for what can be causing this? -
I don't understand why are you calling toUtf8(). QString always stores its data as Unicode. Once you've parsed your xml, you shouldn't care about its original encoding anymore.
yes, you're right. Actually I've put the "toUtf8()" hoping that it might solve the problem, which of course it doesn't.
Same problem if I just useoName.item(i)->text()
Could you us show some of your parsing code?
This post is deleted!
As I mentioned before, I use rapidxml for the parsing job. It works with c strings, so I created an interface between the parser and the Qt framework, to handle the conversion between QStrings and char *. It goes something like this:int clParser::parseXml(QString qstrDoc) {// qstrDoc holds the XML // I found that the easiest way to handle the conversion is through a QByteArray bytes = new QByteArray(qstrDoc.toLocal8Bit().constData(), qstrDoc.toLocal8Bit().size()); bytes_allocated = true; try { oXml.parse<parse_validate_closing_tags>(bytes->data()); } catch(parse_error e) { return -1; } if(oXml.first_node()->first_node() == 0) { return -2; } else { return 0; } }
Now for the actual data extraction part. I created a logic to translate a XML document into a table. The method below feeds a QStandardItemModel with values from the column "qstrColName", belonging to entity "qstrEntName", whose parent is "qstrParentName".
void clParser::getColumn(QString qstrParentName, QString qstrEntName, QString qstrColName, QStandardItemModel &oCol) { int i = 0; int iDepth; // Again, the QByteArrays are used to convert between QString and char * QByteArray byteParent(qstrParentName.toLocal8Bit().constData(), qstrParentName.toLocal8Bit().size()); QByteArray byteEnt(qstrEntName.toLocal8Bit().constData(), qstrEntName.toLocal8Bit().size()); QByteArray byteCol(qstrColName.toLocal8Bit().constData(), qstrColName.toLocal8Bit().size()); char *strColName = byteCol.data(); char *strParentName = byteParent.data(); char *strEntName = byteEnt.data(); // Look for the first ocurrence of entity xml_node<> *nodeFirst = oXml.first_node(); xml_node<> *nodeEnt = find_first(strEntName, iDepth); xml_node<> *nodeParent = 0; if(nodeEnt==0) { return; } xml_node<> *nodeCol; xml_attribute<> *attr; while(nodeEnt != 0) { // Look for a node with the same name as the column nodeCol = nodeEnt->first_node(strColName); if(nodeCol == 0) { // No node found, I loop through the attributes attr = nodeEnt->first_attribute(strColName,byteCol.size(), false); if(attr != 0) { i++; // HERE IS WHERE THE DATA GETS ACTUALLY TRANSFERED oCol.appendRow(new QStandardItem()); std::string strtmp(attr->value()); oCol.item(i-1)->setText(QString::fromStdString(strtmp)); } else { nodeEnt++; } } else { while(nodeCol != 0) { i++; oCol.appendRow(new QStandardItem()); if(nodeCol->value_size() == 0) // Missing data oCol.item(i-1)->setData(QString("NA")); else { // HERE, AGAIN, DATA GETS TRANSFERED std::string strtmp(nodeCol->value()); oCol.item(i-1)->setText(QString::fromStdString(strtmp)); } nodeCol = nodeCol->next_sibling(strColName); } } // To treat cases where there are entities and parents with the same name if(i > 0) { if(nodeEnt->next_sibling(strEntName) == 0 && qstrParentName.compare(QString("")) != 0) { nodeParent = nodeEnt->parent(); while(nodeParent != nodeFirst && strcmp(nodeParent->name(), strParentName) != 0) { nodeParent = nodeParent->parent(); } if(nodeParent == nodeFirst){ return; } nodeParent = nodeParent->next_sibling(); if(nodeParent) { nodeEnt = first(strEntName, nodeParent); while(nodeEnt == 0) { nodeParent = nodeParent->next_sibling(); if(nodeParent == 0) { break; } nodeEnt = first(strEntName, nodeParent); } } else { break; } } else { nodeEnt = nodeEnt->next_sibling(strEntName); } } } }
Hi. Why are you calling toLocal8Bit() and not toUtf8() when converting your xml from QString to char*? As you know for sure it's utf8, you shouldn't rely on the system to get the proper encoding.
Oh well. I didn't have a reason for doing that, it was just plain ignorance.
I corrected that, and also one more thing. I eliminate the std::string fromstd::string strtmp(attr->value()); oCol.item(i-1)->setText(QString::fromStdString(strtmp));
Standard c++ strings might not cope well with UTF-8 encoding. So I changed it to
QString strtmp(attr->value()); oCol.item(i-1)->setText(strtmp);
These two changes combined have solved it. Thank you very much!