[SOLVED] QOpenGLTexture method createTextureView. Is maximumMipmapLevel and maximumLayer inclusive?
The documentation for the QOpenGLTexture method:
QOpenGLTexture * QOpenGLTexture::createTextureView(Target target, TextureFormat viewFormat, int minimumMipmapLevel, int maximumMipmapLevel, int minimumLayer, int maximumLayer) const
Does not state whether maximumMipmapLevel and maximumLayer are inclusive/exclusive. The associated openGL method is:
void glTextureView( GLuint texture, GLenum target, GLuint origtexture, GLenum internalformat, GLuint minlevel, GLuint numlevels, GLuint minlayer, GLuint numlayers);
This is clearer as it allows you to state explicitly the number of layers/mipmaps.
Hi, welcome to devnet.
Yes, they are inclusive i.e Qt's
min, max
translates to OpenGL'smin, max-min+1
. -
@HarryLong said:
I would set this as solved but cannot figure out how...
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