Assigning or changing int property using enum inside QML
Consider this simple enum class -
#include <QObject> class BookTypes : public QObject { Q_GADGET Q_ENUMS(AllBooksType) public: enum AllBooksType{ eMagazine, eReference, eTextBook, eThesis }; signals: public slots: };
Type registration in main()
qmlRegisterUncreatableType<BookTypes>("trial", 1, 0, "BookTypes", "Don't create qml instance for BookTypes");
And this is sample QML
Rectangle { id: rect x: 100; y: 100 width: 100 height: 70 color: "PowderBlue" border.color: "RoyalBlue" border.width: 1 radius: 3 MouseArea{ x: 0; y: 0 height: parent.height width: parent.width property int bt: BookTypes.eTextBook //perfect. now bt is 2 onClicked: { console.debug("old book type:- ") console.debug(bt) //prints 2 console.debug("selected book type:- ") bt = BookTypes.eReference //gives error - why ? console.debug(BookTypes.eReference) //prints 'undefined' console.debug(bt) } } }
This means - The enum is properly exposed, since it initializes bt successfully in -
property int bt: BookTypes.eTextBook
What i don't understand is - Why it is not accessible when i try to replace value of bt in handler.
bt = BookTypes.eReference //gives error - why ?
How do i pass such an enum as an argument of Q_INVOKABLE method ? Like:
console.debug(BookTypes.eReference) //prints 'undefined' SomeObj.someCPPMethod(BookTypes.eReference) // sends 'undefined' and defaults to 0
Received answer on Stack Overflow.
Note: The names of enum values must begin with a capital letter in order to be accessible from QML.