[SOLVED]How to store data present in the tableview in any 2D array ?
I have a tableview which is contains 32 rows and 32 column . Each cell is a comboboxdelegate (each cell is a combobox) which contains several items in the list. User has the ability to change the values of comboboxdelegate .I have a radiobutton "Tx" and "Rx" . on clicking "Tx"/"Rx" the tableview should display the values which was selected by the user for Tx/Rx in the same tableview. I have to store the data for each of Tx/Rx in a 2D array and update the data as the user updates. On Tx/Rx radiobutton click i want to retrieve the value from 2D array and display it in the tableview .
How to store data present in the tableview in any 2D array ? and how to retrieve the value from 2D array and display it in the tableview? -
You can build your own model on top of e.g. two QVector<QVector<whatever_type_you_need>> that you will switch when changing Tx/Rx
Hope it helps
Hi.Thanks for the reply.
How about storing values in Qstring ?QString TxDataTables[32][32]; for(int row=0;row<32;row++) { for (int column=0;column<32;column++) { QModelIndex index = DataTableModel->index(row, column, QModelIndex()); TxDataTables[row][column] = index.data().toString(); } }
how to retrieve the data when Tx/Rx changed ?
Depends on whether you store both information in your strings or if you have two tables
Then you have to parse the string each time. Wouldn't it be more practical to use a QPair ?
I have done it with the structureRTStruct *rtStruct; for(int row=0;row<32;row++) { rtStruct = rtList.at(row); for (int column=0;column<32;column++) { QModelIndex index = DataTableModel->index(row, column, QModelIndex()); if(addressArea == TX) { rtStruct->txDataTables[column] = index.data().toString(); } else { rtStruct->rxDataTables[column] = index.data().toString(); } } }
How to do it with Qpair?
If you already have a struct that fits your needs then no need to change anything