UTF Encoding ERROR
Well, I give up to try config my app with shared libraries, then i configured my QtCreator to use the statics libraries to build my app.
Well, the app finally runs in another machine without qt, but the strings not appears correctly. See the img: http://i62.tinypic.com/2z68gma.png
How i fixed de Enconding? -
What language does that computer use ?
Does it use a particular font ?
@SGaist Its using Serif. In the terminal there, when he run the app the follow error appears: Qt fontDatabase: cannot find font directory /home/user.../ . Is qt install correctly?
I think the app is searching for a font in the folder of Qt. But if i make the app static, this font dont need be with the app? Well if i need to copy the font files, how to link to my app?