[SOLVED] QLayout does not work -> experimental Graph like widget
Currently I try to add buttons (here nodes) to an widget. My code looks like this:
GraphWidget::GraphWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { /* Load style */ QFile stylefile(":/styles/src/nitro/node_graph/style.qss"); stylefile.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QString stylestring = QLatin1String(stylefile.readAll()); setStyleSheet(stylestring); /* Set context menu */ setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(this, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), SLOT(customMenuRequested(QPoint))); /* Set layout */ layout = new QLayout(this); setLayout(layout); }
and for adding the "node":
void GraphWidget::addEmptyEntry(QString *NITRO_OBJECT_NAME) { Node *n = new Node(); n->setText(*NITRO_OBJECT_NAME); n->move(click_pos); layout->addWidget(n); }
But what I get is an error I do not really understand (because Qt documentation means I need to insert my widget there):
../src/nitro/node_graph/graph_widget.cpp:46:28: error: invalid new-expression of abstract class type 'QLayout' layout = new QLayout(this); ^
How can I fix this (and I don't want to use an NodeGraph library, I want to build it as my own)?
As the error says QLayout is an abstract base class. You can't instantiate it.
Use one of the derived sub-classes like QHBoxLayout, QGridLayout etc. -
Thanks for this. I understand now what the problem is, but is there an other widget where I can get something like this (adding Buttons to an widget, position is random so no HBox or centralWidget)?
If you want to position children within a widget manually then don't use layouts at all. Also
does nothing when widget is managed by a layout.
So just add a child and set its geometry manually:... /* DON'T set layout */ //layout = new QLayout(this); //setLayout(layout); } void GraphWidget::addEmptyEntry(const QString& WHATS_WITH_THE_CAPS) { //don't pass QString as pointer Node* n = new Node(this); //important to pass "this" as parent n->setText(WHATS_WITH_THE_CAPS); n->move(click_pos); // is click_pos some sort of global? better make that function argument n->show(); // widgets not managed by layout are not shown by default so this is required }
@Chris-Kawa click_pos is global because an other void will set the point of it (when User makes right click the position will saved). But does
really works here? I tried it sometimes but it shows the button in a new window. -
Chris Kawa Lifetime Qt Championwrote on 8 Jun 2015, 05:08 last edited by Chris Kawa 6 Aug 2015, 05:15
will make a widget a new top level window when it has no parent or has a dialog flag set. That's why I marked setting parent ("this") as important.
As for theclick_pos
- still. It would make the function reusable and more maintainable if you passed the position as an argument, and not rely on a piece of outside state. For example if later you would like to add entries "from code" and not by user interaction you could pass a position to the function. Right now you would have to "simulate click" by writing to click_pos before you call addEmptyEntry, which can have other side effects if you use it somewhere else. Bad practice. -
Sorry that was my problem didn't have seen the comment^^ Thank you :)