QtLocation Api help
I am trying to use the qtlocation and qtpositioning apis and I am having trouble. I have tried using the "osm" plugin and I am unable to produce a map in my UI.
However, I registered with HERE.com and got an app id and app key for the nokia plugin. I used that with the same code and was able to produce a map but I am unable to do anything else because I am getting the following error in my application window:
"No proxy parameter specified."
I am not sure how to set the proxy for qt so if I can get any help with any one of the two plugins then that would be great.
I have copied and pasted my code below:
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2import QtQuick 2.0
import QtPositioning 5.2
import QtLocation 5.3ApplicationWindow {
title: qsTr("Work Tool Identification Enhanced Connectivity")
width: 640
height: 480
visible: truePlugin { id: myPlugin
// name: "osm"
name: "nokia"
PluginParameter { name: "app_id"; value: "" }
PluginParameter { name: "token"; value: "*" }
}// PlaceSearchModel {
// id: searchModel// plugin: myPlugin
// searchTerm: "Pizza"
// //Brisbane
// searchArea: QtPositioning.circle(QtPositioning.coordinate(35.46778, -78.02778))// Component.onCompleted: update()
// }Map { id: map anchors.fill: parent plugin: myPlugin;
// activeMapType: MapType.HybridMap
center { latitude: 35.6580770 longitude: -78.4218420 } zoomLevel: 10
// MapItemView {
// model: searchModel
// delegate: MapQuickItem {
// coordinate: place.location.coordinate// anchorPoint.x: image.width * 0.5
// anchorPoint.y: image.height// sourceItem: Image {
// id: image
// fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
// source: "BHL.png"
// }
// }
// }MapPolygon { color: 'green' path: [ { latitude: 35.6580370, longitude: -78.4222320 }, { latitude: 35.6577900, longitude: -78.4219760 }, { latitude: 35.6581370, longitude: -78.4214620 }, { latitude: 35.6583890, longitude: -78.4217180 } ] } }