QtCore/QtGlobal: No such file or directory
I am working with QtGStreamer on one of the examples, and I cannot get it to work. I keep getting the error 'QtCore/QtGlobal: No such file or directory' from global.h, when I try #include <QtCore/QtGlobal in main.cpp I don't get an error from that.
Here is my code:main.cpp
#include "mediaapp.h" #include <QApplication> #include <QGst/Init> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QGst::init(&argc, &argv); MediaApp media; media.show(); if (argc == 2) { media.openFile(argv[1]); } return app.exec(); }
TEMPLATE = app TARGET = player CONFIG += silent CONFIG += pkgconfig contains(QT_VERSION, ^4\\..*) { PKGCONFIG += QtGStreamer-1.0 QtGStreamerUi-1.0 } contains(QT_VERSION, ^5\\..*) { PKGCONFIG += Qt5GStreamer-1.0 Qt5GStreamerUi-1.0\ } QT += core quick widgets CONFIG += qt console bootstrap DEFINES += QT_NO_KEYWORDS HEADERS += mediaapp.h player.h SOURCES += main.cpp mediaapp.cpp player.cpp INCLUDEPATH += C:\qt-gstreamer-1.2.0\src \ C:\Qt\Qt5.4.1\5.4\mingw491_32\include \ C:\Qt\Qt5.4.1\5.4\android_armv5\include \ C:\Qt\Qt5.4.1\5.4\android_armv7\include \ C:\Qt\Qt5.4.1\5.4\android_x86\include \ C:\Qt\Qt5.4.1\5.4\Src\qtbase\include
In C:\Qt...\include there is a directory QtCore with QtGlobal. While typing it in to global.h I get suggestions to put it in, but it throws an error when I try and build it.