Highlight text given a search string
I'm just going to link my stack overflow question here rather than type it all out again since it was quite a bit to explain. You can view it here:
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30520865/highlight-text-that-matches-a-search-string-in-qt5What I'm trying to do is, given the list of QModelIndexes returned from QAbstractItemModel::match, I want to highlight just the part of the Qt::DisplayRole that contains the string that was searched for. Read that stack overflow post as it thoroughly explains the problem. I wouldn't be asking here but it is important that I figure it out, and I've spent 4 days already of research, reading docs, reading Qt source, and asking in the Qt IRC.
This is such a common feature that it seems like somebody would have figured it out by now, but it seems that is not the case. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi and welcome to devnet,
What about painting a partially transparent rectangle over the part of the text that should be highlighted ? You could draw the text first and then the rectangle over.
Hope it helps