Creating and adding a static library
I am using qt on windows now. I need to add the serial port library ( First I build the library using the CONFIG += staticlib option and get a library with an extension with .a .Now I try to add the library to some example programs given in the event directory. I also add CONFIG += staticlib in the .pro file, but I always get errors like
@qextserialport\examples\event-build-desktop/../event/PortListener.cpp:11: undefined reference to `_imp___ZN14QextSerialPort9setParityE10ParityType'@I think there is some linking issues, because it will work when linking with dll files, how to solve?
Here is the complete project code ( ), in which I tried the project in the examples/event folder, i.e@
PROJECT = event
INCLUDEPATH += ../../src
QMAKE_LIBDIR += ../../src-build-desktop/build
CONFIG += staticlibOBJECTS_DIR = tmp
MOC_DIR = tmp
UI_DIR = tmpSOURCES += main.cpp PortListener.cpp
HEADERS += PortListener.hCONFIG(debug, debug|release):LIBS += -lqextserialportd
else:LIBS += -lqextserialport
I am using Qt libraries version 4.7.0, Qt Creator IDE version 2.0.1 in Windows
Thanking You,